Seven’s Creek Park, Euroa

PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


If the combination above describes you, you should speak to your doctor about the possibility of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It is a hormonal disorder which affects 12-18% of women of reproductive age. A lot of the symptoms of PCOS are caused by high levels of ‘male’ hormones circulating in your body, namely testosterone. Symptoms of PCOS may include…

Periods & fertility: Problems with your period; whether they are non-existent, irregular, infrequent or heavy. Those with PCOS can also have ovarian cysts, immature ovarian eggs that do not ovulate and difficulty becoming pregnant.
Hair & skin: Excessive facial and/or body hair, acne on the face and body, scalp hair loss (alopecia) and darkened skin patches (known as acanthosis nigricans).
Mental & emotional health: Mood changes, depression and anxiety.
Sleep: Sleep apnoea. (A sleep disorder where there are abnormal pauses of breathing during sleep).

Reproduced from Jean Hailes: (

You do not need to have all of the above symptoms to be diagnosed with PCOS. Your doctor will be able to assist you with the diagnosis. Early detection and intervention will ultimately reduce your risk of developing signi cant problems later on in life, such as Type 2 diabetes, womb cancer and heart disease.